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"We should thank Our Benefactors for giving us respite from this overpowering force. They have thrown a switch and exorcised our demons in a single stroke. They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion. They have given us purpose. They have turned our eyes toward the stars." ― Dr. Wallace Breen

The Combine, referred to as "Our Benefactors" and CMB in propaganda, is the title of an immense and powerful inter-dimensional empire, composed of a variety of both allied and enslaved species.


The Combine empire spans multiple parallel universes, is inhabited by an unknown number of sentient species, and is possibly governed by a race of artificially evolved Advisors of the Combine Overworld. The Combine empire expands by invading worlds and exploiting their resources and species as it sees fit. By manipulating these species through methods including bioengineering and implantation, the Combine creates races of physically superior super-soldiers uniquely adapted for the particular environments of the conquered worlds. This process results in a highly mobile, aggressive, and adaptive military force which is able to respond to any threat and eliminate any opposition posed by a planet's inhabitants. The reasons behind the Combine's imperialism including their ultimate goal, remain unknown throughout the series.

When pronouncing the word "Combine", vocal stress is placed on the first syllable. The name is pronounced COM-bine, as in combine harvester, as opposed to the verb form com-BINE, as in "to join together or unite." Dr. Breen refers to the Combine Soldiers as the transhuman arm of the Combine Overwatch (However, all human Overwatch units excluding Civil Protection fall under this designation as well) in Nova Prospekt, verifying that "Combine" is the accepted name of the empire, even by the empire itself.

Occupation of Earth[]

The occupation began in the aftermath of the Seven Hour War, some time after the Black Mesa Incident. Former Black Mesa administrator Wallace Breen managed Earth's surrender, thus allowing the Combine to seize power. He was then declared Interim Administrator of Earth, a largely symbolic position.

During the Combine's rule, the remnants of the human race were spread all around the world, in Combine cities, built from the remnants of Earth's devastated cities. The extent of the Combine's brutality during the occupation is not yet known, but it is believed that the Combine perpetrated genocide against mankind, installed a worldwide sub-imperial military and police force known as the Overwatch, drained Earth of its natural resources, and put an end to all human reproduction through a planet-wide suppression field.
