HL2RP Wiki

A DvL (Divisional Leader) is a non-canon rank. Divisions are usually specialized in certain tasks, like patrolling, breaching, or judicial affairs. These include APEX, COURT, HELIX, ZONE, UNION... etc. although, this may vary from server to server. A DvL has authority over all other units under them in this manner.

SeC - Sectorial Commander

CmD - Commander

DvL - Divisional Leader

OfC - Officer

EpU - Elite Protection Unit

05-01 - Ground Units

RCT - Recruit

(In order of authority)

The DvL uses the model /models_eliteghostcp.mdl

If you are named: MPF-RCT.06196, you are the Default Rank (Recruit). If you change your name to: MPF-DvL.06196, you now become the Divisional Leader (DvL).

OfC and EpU will be switched depending the server you are in.
